Village Dental Haymarket

Village Dental Ryde

Village Dental – Kogarah

Village Dental – Campsie

Screening for Oral Cancer

During an oral cancer exam, your dentist will carefully examine the tongue, inside of your mouth, and your lips to look for spots or sores that are flat, painless, white, or red.


Dental Extractions

A dental extraction is the removal of a tooth from the mouth. Extractions can be performed for several reasons including severe tooth decay or infection, tooth damage due to breakage, severe gum disease, impacted wisdom teeth, and removal of teeth to make space for orthodontic treatment. (more…)


Retainers are orthodontic devices used to hold the teeth in position before or after braces are applied. Retainers are custom-made to fit with the profile of the patients mouth. Retainers are made from wire and plastic.


Advantages of digital x-rays:

  • Faster and more efficient.
  • View images instantly.
  • Less radiation exposure.
  • Images can be enhanced to improve viewing.
  • Images can be stored electronically.
  • Avoid the use of chemicals used in the traditional developing process.