Oral (mouth) piercings
Before you decide to get an oral piercing, always consider the effect it can have on your mouth. Possible risks of oral piercings (particularly tongue piercings) may include:
Village Dental
Before you decide to get an oral piercing, always consider the effect it can have on your mouth. Possible risks of oral piercings (particularly tongue piercings) may include:
Oral cancers can affect any part of the mouth, but is most commonly found in the tongue, floor of the mouth, lips and cheeks.
A visual guide to baby teething sequence. (more…)
Welcome to Nepal Festival 2014.
We will be pleased to see you at Nepal Festival at Darling Harbour. We will be waiting you there with lots of interesting stuff. We have 1000s of free tooth pastes to give away. (more…)
Ask yourself the following questions:
Do I experience pain in my jaw joint?
Do I have difficulty opening or closing my mouth?
Do I have sensitivity in my teeth?
Do my teeth look shorter?
Do I get routine headaches?
For all patients who have private health insurance with dental cover can get no gaps Exams, no gaps X-rays, no gaps Intra-oral photos, no gaps scale & clean, no gaps fluoride application and 10% discount for other dental treatments. (more…)